The Last Weekend

As another week winds down at school, I like to take a second and reflect on all that has happened so far, and all that is to come. This semester has been filled with some very cool stuff so far. In my Digital Theories class I’m working with a couple different virtual reality hardware. Along with that, we are creating new software that we are building from the ground up. I have also learned some photoshop along the way and now I’m diving into some audio software with Audacity. On my weekly podcast, we use Ableton to record but learning a new software is great for that “just in case” scenario that can creep up. Most importantly, I know I have plenty of video work that’s coming in class. And that has me REALLY excited. So much so that this past weekend as I was away up in the Blue Ridge mountains for a weekend getaway with my girlfriend and my two fur babies (Stella and Walker). While up there I thought I’d play around with iMovie a bit and see what I can come up with to capture all the feels from the weekend. I now present you with…

The Last Weekend

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